Take a Stand Against Christian Nationalism

Christian nationalism is a growing threat that distorts our faith for political purposes and spreads intolerance ​across our communities. We believe in a vision of America where everyone is free to practice their faith without ​fear and where love and justice guide our actions.

Join Millions Taking the Pledge Across the Nation

By completing this pledge, you commit to standing against Christian nationalism and its harmful impacts on our ​society. We ask you to read the pledge, share it with your network and congregations, and take a public stand for ​an inclusive and just democracy in the 2024 election and beyond.

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Together We Can Make a Difference

Your voice matters. By uniting against Christian nationalism, we can build a stronger, more ​inclusive community. Let's show that hate has no place in our country. Take the pledge ​today and be part of the movement to create a better future for all.

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